sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Croquetas de jamón Recipe

Many times, when you read the Tapas menu on a bar, you can find croquetas de jamón. This really easy to cook dish is delicious as well as cheap. Try to do this croquetas at home and please, send us a pic of it.

lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Flamenco Courses in Jerez, august 2010

We´re proud to inform you of these new courses in Jerez during August.

9th-14th of august:
Course A: María del Mar Moreno, guajiras with abanico.
Course B: Angelita Gómez, bulerías.

16th-21st of august:
Course C: María del Mar Moreno, coreography bulerías and soleá.
Course D: Angelita Gómez, Tangos.


1 course: 220€, 2 courses: 395€ (10% discount), 3 courses: 560€ (15% d.), 4 courses: 700 € (20% d.)

Further info: Jerez Puro

Learn flamenco and spanish, we´re waiting for you.