viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Fabada recipe

One of the most famous dishes from northern Spain and the most international spanish cooker José Andrés (works in Washington), aside of Ferran Adria, bring us the magic of an awesome recipe. White beans, bacon, morcilla, chorizo, olive oil and garlick are the ingredientes. The rest you have it right here.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Feria del Caballo 2009 (Horse´s Fair)

Horse´s Fair is just around the corner, the main event of Jerez will start the next 10th of may until the 17th. Colour, gastronomy, nice weather, horses, flamenco and Sherry wine are our ingredients to create this Fair, the best of Andalucia during the springtime. Book your lessons now and enjoy this unique party! On the following video you can walk all around the feria and see the casetas (places where you can eat and drink), horses and people. Enjoy.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

Mona de Pascua (Easter egg recipe)

Typical recipe from Cataluña (Barcelona area) but also more and more cooked all over the country. Here you have the recipe, spanish subtitled, to cook this delicious chocolate sculpture. Happy Easter!

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Macaco music

Thanks to his mixture of english and spanish Macaco is one of our best bands. The swing and the rythm of his melodies are his best secrets to become an independent artist aside of the mainstream. Enjoy.