viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Spanish omelette recipe

Surely the most famous and important recipe just after Paella. Spanish omelette is the most common recipe on every bar and also is eaten once weekly in every home. Simple recipe and superb result. Try to cook this at home and send us the pic of the result!

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Summer song

Nobody is able to explain why this song has became into the most dowloaded of the summer. It could be the melody, lyrics or whatever but it´s a hit. Here you have it, Colgado en tus manos, de Carlos Baute y Marta Sánchez.

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Flan (spanish recipe)

Back in business and once again a recipe. But here we have 2 spanish students that show us how to cook the typical spanish flan. The recipe is in spanish but is clear enough to be understood. What?, can´t you understand it?, then...learn spanish at Lengualuz, Costa de la Luz will charm you with its wonderful weather, culture and gastronomy. We´re waiting for you.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

Lengualuz, Aftenposten´s article dedicated to our school

First of all, we should explain what is Aftenposten, it´s the most popular norwegian newspaper on internet. Some weeks ago they decided to chat for a while with our manager, Karin Ulvestad Skarre, now you can read the article, in norwegian, clicking here. Here she explains the facilities that we provide to our students as well as her love for Costa de la Luz, an amazing paradise to be discovered. Enjoy the reading!

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

New flights from Jerez to Germany

The 2nd of november Air Berlin will start flying from Jerez to different german cities. Every Monday you will be able to fly to Francfort and Stuttgart, but also, as you can already do, every Friday you will be able to fly to Düsseldorf. New ways to come and enjoy Costa de la Luz and, of course, learn Spanish!

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009

Vendimia´s Festival

A new fall will soon come back as well as a new wine. This year´s edition of the Festival dedicated to the Wine has a nice program to enjoy:

Sunday the 6th of september: Pisa de la uva, the arrival of the new wine.

Vendimia´s market: 14th to the 16th of september at Alameda Vieja, handcraft and medieval market.

XLII edition of Fiesta de la Bulería, a huge flamenco show, the 5th of september.

Plaza de la Asunción, flamenco for free every night, 17th to the 19th of september.

Concerts: Juan Diego and Jorge Pardo (6th of September, Plaza La Asunción), Tomasito (11th of september at Alameda Vieja), Lolita (20th of september at Alameda Vieja).

And more and more... just visit Jerez and Costa de la Luz during these days and learn Spanish! Official programme, click here.